Hidden Power Of The Whites

                          The Secret Religion Withheld From Key People

The interaction between western culture and its christian religion and fundamental cultures of the world has been proceeding with ever an accelerating speed ever since its culture commenced in the late fifteenth century it has expanded to a global level.

In this interaction, it is inevitable that the stronger and more sophisticated culture is encountered, assimilated and understood only in a selective fashion or style. The stronger culture ends up by enjoying some benefits by being more a donor than recipient.

Certain elements of the stronger culture, are therefore withheld for purposes of power control, paternal kindness, prestige or desire to minimize the culture shock which might be imposed from outside.

The weaker key culture also makes its own selection from what it is given and adds its own interpretation. The interaction process is therefore not to be understood simply, because nobody knows what exactly is happening around us.

The white cultures are not considered as essential wholes but only through their forms of systems which may be political, religion, technological, selections abstracted from the histories, values and meanings of the total context in which they can be understood receiving much power at the end.

Once this selected aspects are transplanted into key societies they do not manifest themselves well as they do to their owners, this latter makes one conclude there must be more than we know or see, and the whites are in secret of something essential from us.

The situation has been experienced in all continents of western christian expansion and missionaries activities and is expressed in beliefs to be found in key societies across the world and in their own new religious movements, beliefs that the white have neither revealed the full secrets of the Christianity - no local people have the True Bible.

The suspicions are on the spiritual dimensions of white culture, since most key culture, their key source of power are magical,ritual, mystical or spiritual.
In the 1870's, the Niger Delta people petitioned for a secular system of teaching opposed to religious teaching in mission schools.

As a further cultural factor there is the common belief that power is related to secret knowledge possessed only by magicians, priests and secret societies initiates.

  It was only to be expected, the source of this impressive power of the whites would only be known to few.

People of the Black culture need to wake up from their deep sleep and realize their might potentials.
